The Heart
In Islamic worldview, centered around the Quran, the Heart is the center for reason, enlightenment. A corrupt heart makes one blind to the truths and especially the One Truth that Allah is the only one worthy of our worship. Trying to make sense of the centrality of heart i come to this conclusion. Heart sets the agenda- it is the initiator of action and thought and with the impulse it creates, brain goes to task doing necessary fact reminding, reasoning, information processing. Just like a human uses a computer to do complex tasks. Just like the stage sets the context for other details to fall in place. Like that Heart dictates the actions and thoughts' nature, mood and context. In order to be fully peaceful and alive, we can make the heart peaceful. Peaceful with the reminder (dhikr) of Allah. Then lead with that peaceful heart. And the facts and details can follow later, in sha Allah. Peace is of the Heart. Order and Sense is of the Brain. Let's prioritise Peace in ...