World Cup Final 2022

 When the world cup final was on, I was hoping praying desperately that Argentina wins. In the first half it seemed the easy outcome. But as things took different turn in the second half of the match I became so consternated... the suspense seemed to be too much. I wished it wasnt so. I even lost a bit of courage to pray because I thought Allah intended to make Argentina lose. What is the purpose of prayer I thought in such a scenario. But towards the penalty I was praying again and finally Argentina did win!

The outcome of the game was just as I wished - Argentina's win.. But the way Allah maximised the game as an event where the best skills of so many people could be stimulated and exhibited - made me feel that Allah is the master scriptsman. He knows how to pen an exhilarating masterpiece.. While those faint of heart like me was praying for a simple, straightforward, placid victory scenario to be painted..

I use this as a metaphor for many events that happen in life. Each time, we might be just able to perceive a simple straight route to our desired outcome. But Allah the All Capable, All Majestic, knows and may want majestic nuances, strokes, be nested in that experience. So while we are on the experience, we might feel like its lot of lurching and swerving and rolling than we prayed for and liked for.. but thats our little myopic selves struggling because of our inability to see the Grand Design of Allah. Trusting in his Rahma we should know that Ultimately he delivers the most majestic happiness in the most redeeming way to the maximum number of people who believes in Him and loves Him.

So the world cup match now is a reminding metaphor for me. 


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